狗万最低限额Invision社区新闻 //www.kcjns.com/rss/1-invision-community-news.xml/ 来自Invision社区的最新消息狗万最低限额 EN 编辑股票回复 //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/editor-stock-replies-r1233/ 如果Invision社区编辑器可以重用整个回复、文本片狗万最低限额段甚至回复模板,那不是很好吗?随着我们准备欢迎更多客户进入我们的员工社区支持区域,这一功能理念已成为现实,有助于形成个性化回复。Invision社区有一个保存的操作功能,允许社区团队对多个主题执行多个操作。例如,您可能希望添加标题前缀、移动主题和添加回复。这对于“固定”的响应和操作非常有用,但如果您想编辑回复以对其进行个性化设置,它就没那么有用了。库存回复允许您设置完整回复、部分回复甚至回复模板。通过编辑器储存回复一旦您在管理面板中设置了这些回复,它们就会在编辑器中可见。库存回复在管理面板中配置,您可以选择多个库存回复,以使用方便的可重复使用的回复片段构建邮件。stockreplies_video.mp4每个股票回复都具有完全权限功能,这意味着您可以指定哪些成员组可以使用每个股票回复。例如,您可能希望为您的团队创建部分回复,但鼓励成员使用回复模板报告错误等。使用库存操作作为模板,我们希望您喜欢此功能,它将于10月4.6.7日发布。 星期四,9月16日19:43:01 +0000 宣布俱乐部和活动流的最新更新(加上我们网站更新的偷窥)! //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/announcing-new-updates-to-clubs-and-activity-streams-plus-a-sneak-peek-at-our-website-refresh-r1232/ 距离我们上一篇博客文章已经过去了一分钟,但在此期间,我们炮制了几个史诗般的项目。为了提醒你,我们最近推出了一个新的平台更新,4.6。它包括成就,Zapier整合,网页应用和推送通知,匿名发帖,解决内容,当团队成员回复时显示的能力,新的健康仪表盘,垃圾邮件改进等等。在那之后,我们为你准备了一些特别的款待。在我们深入特性盛宴之前,请尝试一下我们即将发布的网站更新。在不久的将来,我们的整个网站将滑入一些更舒适的东西。不仅外观和感觉会发生变化,我们还将引入新的章节来解释Invision社区是如何以及为什么成为任何企业社区建设的首选解决方案。狗万最低限额关于这一点我们还将继续讨论,但现在我们先来看看以下内容:希望你饿了!具有“封闭”权限的俱乐部比以往任何时候都更具灵活性。 Now, the owner of a closed club can opt to have the club’s forums, calendar, pages, gallery and downloads be visible for all to see (despite the club being set to closed). Previously, members could not access any part of a closed club unless they joined. For example, a closed club leader could create a special landing page that’s viewable by members who have not yet joined the club, but the rest of the club is closed. This might be useful as a means to encourage someone to join, share information that’s pertinent to those in and out of the club or as a sales tool. Another example could be keeping the club-associated forums visible for all, but keep the club’s calendar and image gallery exclusive to the club’s members as an incentive to join. Gobble up this screengrab below: Subscribe to Activity Streams Never skip a beat! Members of a community can now subscribe to any default or custom activity stream (minus the All Activity Stream) and receive either daily or weekly email notifications with a roundup of content they may have missed. This is especially useful for die-hard community members and moderators who frequently consume content. By subscribing to an activity stream, members have important, need-to-know items they’re interested in delivered straight to their inbox. Community administrators have the option to limit how many activity streams a member can subscribe to. Because email notifications are inherently intimate, we have also implemented something called stream decay. If the user hasn't visited the site for a predefined amount of time, the activity stream email notifications they previously subscribed to will automatically stop until the member re-engages with the community by visiting. Pretty nifty, right? Health Club Since you’ve made it to the bottom of this blog post, sink your teeth into dessert. Sugar free, of course! We recently launched a new Health Club. It’s free to join and available for all Invision Community clients. This is a great opportunity for you to connect with other community leaders in the industry, as well as our own team, through the important modality of physical and mental health. The world is in a weird spot right now; please utilize this club to lean on one another for support, give advice, ask questions and share your health wins and missteps. As cheesy as it sounds, upping your general well-being will make you a better community leader and ultimately elevate your community as a whole. Just some food for thought! The new Club and Activity Stream features will be made available in September. Questions? Comments? Feedback? Drop us a crumb in the comments - we’d love to hear from you! Header photo: Unsplash 2021年9月3日星期五15:09:00+0000 如果你错过了:观看我们的4.6直播 //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/in-case-you-missed-it-watch-our-46-live-event-r1231/ Invision Community's latest update, 4.6, is officially out! To celebrate, we hosted a live event on Zoom. I, alongside two of the three Invision Community co-founders @Charles and @Matt (shout-out to @Lindy) sat down for a roundtable talk to chat about some of the slickest features 4.6 has to offer. If you'd like to refresh your memory with exactly what features we implemented in 4.6, check out our detailed blog post (after you're done watching our live event above, of course). It includes: Achievements Spam Improvements Health dashboard Web app and push notifications Anonymous posting Solved content Show when a team member has replied Did you catch the low-key Smart Community announcement? We also wanted to take the time to answer a few questions we received during the live event that we couldn't get to in the moment. Question: regarding the anonymous posting... is it completely anonymous (like no record is stored of who posted it) or is just a pseudo thing, like it shows "anonymous" but admins/mods can see who posted it? Answer: The community owner can choose whether moderators can see the true identity of the user. This uses the built in moderator permissions so they can have it so all moderators, just specific moderators or nobody can see this info. --- Question: Is the translation service be hosted by IPS or do we need to use Google or Bing services on our community? Answer: It will be a turnkey service provided by Invision Community. --- Question: Does Achievements show how many x Points are left to the next level? Answer: Yup! --- Question: When will Smart Community be available? Unsatisfying Answer: We are excited to share more details on Smart Community soon! --- We appreciate you participating / watching our first-ever live event. We're planning on doing more, so keep an eye out for the next one. Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Concerns? Drop us a line in the comments! 2021年6月25日星期五20:17:48+0000 骄傲地呈现:对Invision社区主席查尔斯·华纳的采访狗万最低限额 //www.kcjns.com/news/company/proud-to-present-an-interview-with-invision-community-president-charles-warner-r1230/ 近二十年前,Invision社区总裁@Charl狗万最低限额es开始着手打造一个领先的在线社区平台。大约在那个时候,查尔斯也遇到了他现在结婚18年的丈夫,从此再也没有回首往事。直到现在。在代码、产品更新和时事通讯的背后,是一群对社区建设充满激情的人。考虑到互联网的波动性和毒性,我们希望变得更加明显、透明和脆弱。为了帮助您熟悉Invision社区背后的策划者,从Charles开始,我们将推出一个新系列,重点介绍我们的团队。我在第一期采访了查尔斯。他在信中评论了互联网的现状:“我确实认为,有时候,不管是好是坏,人们忘记了另一端有真实的人,”他说。华纳先生还谈到了Invision社区多年来的发展。查尔斯补充道:“人们不喜欢改变。没有人喜欢改变。”“有时你会说,‘我们真的需要改变一些东西’,或者是软件,或者是你做事的方式,而人们会回击。可能是我们改变了一个特性,也可能是我们在内部改变了我们做事的方式。有时候你必须向前迈进。有时候一开始就让人恼火。”你为什么要改变这个?!”而且你必须认识到有时候你是错的。有时候你可能会改变一些事情(并认为),“不,这不是更好的…”我真的发现这是一件大事——不断地寻找所有其他选择并尝试一些东西。尝试不会伤害任何事情。”本着自豪月的精神,查尔斯公开表示自己是LGBTQ社区的一员,也是一家成功公司的总裁。他希望这能激励其他人。完整的访谈可供观看。观看后,请在评论中给我们留言,让我们知道你的想法! 6月11日星期五14:35:25 +0000 4.6.0有什么新功能? //www.kcjns.com/news/company/whats-new-in-460-r1229/ 好了,朋友们,自从我们开始开发Invision Community 4.6.0以来,我们已经走过了一段多么美好的旅程。11名开发人员累积了狗万最低限额934个提交,3157个文件,更改了120281行代码,我们准备向全世界展示它。除了260多个bug修复,这个新版本还包含了一些很棒的新功能。让我们来看看什么是新的。成就、徽章、等级、规则、游戏化,不管你怎么称呼它,这是Invision Community 4.6.0最重要的功能。这带来了一个全新的收入水平,并显示出对其他成员的信任,同时轻轻推动更多的质量贡献给您的社区。Zapier integration你想让新会员注册神奇地出现在谷歌电子表格中吗?也许您希望选择新闻稿的成员添加到Mailchimp或ActiveCampaign中。多亏了Zapier,云计算和企业客户无需编写一行代码就可以完成所有这一切,甚至更多。Web应用程序和推送通知我们花时间完善了4.6.0的PWA(渐进式Web应用程序)框架,包括服务人员、推送通知等。我几乎听不懂,但Rikki会带你了解我们博客条目中的变化。匿名发布对于某些类型的社区,讨论主题特别敏感,社区所有者希望确保成员注册时提供真实的详细信息,但在适当的情况下可以选择匿名发布。例如,处理虐待或敏感话题的组织可能希望成员感到安全,不受限制地发布信息,而不用担心被社区其他人识别。解决内容在Invision Community 4.6.0中,我们通过允许在常规论坛上启用该万博最佳平台功能以及通知、统计信息等,完善了我们的“解决”功能。显示团队成员何时答复当您扫描主题列表时,了解社区团队成员何时答复会很有帮助,因为这些答复往往具有更大的权威性,更有可能解决问题。4.6.0添加了一个功能,以显示团队成员何时回复。Health dashboard由于Invision社区是一个一流的社区平台,拥有优秀的开发人员和令人惊叹的QA团队,所以不太可能出错。在很少需要识别社区内潜在问题的情况下,新的健康仪表板可以更轻松地诊断问题和请求支持。垃圾邮件改进我们的企业客户运行非常可见且非常繁忙的社区。他们的痛点之一是识别并限制社区内垃圾邮件的烦扰。我们基于该反馈创建了新一轮的改进,以减少垃圾邮件,这些更改可在4.6.0版本中提供给所有Invision社区所有者。云和企业客户还将受益于我们云平台的多个幕后优化,包括更好地缓存资源以加快响应时间。请在评论中告诉我您最期待的功能! 2021年5月26日星期三15:11:01+0000 4.6中垃圾邮件管理的3个改进 //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/3-improvements-to-spam-management-in-46-r1228/ 垃圾邮件是互联网生活的一部分,就像过度使用表情符号、连续滥用GIF和令人遗憾的推特一样。但我在这里不是要谈论我在网上如何表现自己;我想谈谈Invision Community 4.6中的三个垃圾邮件改进。狗万最低限额如你所知,Invision社区有自己的垃圾狗万最低限额邮件防御功能,它混合使用众包数据、公开可用数据和我们自己的特殊酱汁,以帮助减少通过注册系统的垃圾邮件账户数量。狗万最低限额Invision Community也有其他一些工具来减少注册后的垃圾邮件。这些工具已经很好地为我们服务了,但是随着垃圾邮件发送者的发展,我们的系统也必须发展。下面是我们下一个版本的内容。我不能透露太多关于我们的垃圾邮件防御系统的信息,以免我们给那些瞄准Invision社区的垃圾邮件发送者提供帮助。狗万最低限额尽管如此,我们还是对垃圾邮件防御系统做了一些改变。这些包括重新平衡评分阈值,检查已知的TOR网络和代理,并使用公共领域的其他数据来通知我们的评分决定。 Spam Defense Blocking The current implementation of our Spam Defense only allows options to either prevent registration entirely or put the registration in an approval queue. However, the days when Spam Bots stood out from normal registrations are long gone, and it's hard to know if an account in an approval queue is legitimate or not. In 4.6, we've added a new Spam Defense option that you can choose to allow the registration but put the new members into the posting approval queue, meaning their posts will need moderator approval before being published. This reduces the decision burden and makes it easier to take a chance on a low score from the Spam Defense system and review their posts before they are made public. Word Filters We have added a new option to the Word Filters to allow content containing specific words or phrases to be held for moderator approval where the author has less than a set threshold of posts. For example, you may notice an increase in spam targeting "CBD Oil" and add it to the word filter list to hold the content for moderator approval. This works great and captures a good number of spam posts; however, your regular members get frustrated when they want to talk about CDB Oil in their posts. This new option allows you to set a trust level for allowing these words to be used without capturing them for approval. We hope these three changes to our spam controls will reduce the level of spam you get in your community! I'd love to know what's the weirdest spam (that is safe for work!) you've seen in your community. 2021年5月12日星期三10:03:17+0000 请击鼓……宣布成就! //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/drum-roll-please%E2%80%A6-D-R-r1227/ 任何社区领袖的首要目标之一就是向你的成员发出耀眼的光芒。他们的贡献应该得到公众的承认。现在有了Invis狗万最低限额ion Community的新成就系统……you can! Achievements is Invision Community’s native gamification system baked into our latest update, 4.6. We’ve dreamed up innovative actions for community leaders to publicly recognize members who show up and participate in meaningful ways. Award Points and badges based on conditional Rules! Here’s what you need to know... Points Our Achievements Points system keeps a running tally of Points. Members may earn Points in a multitude of ways. Essentially, it’s achieved by participating in the community. Create a topic? Points! Post a reply? Points! Follow another member? Nothing. Just kidding… Points!!! This is done through creating Rules. Rules Rules are actionable processes set up in the admin panel. Here are what members can earn Points for: When a... Member joins a club Reaction is given New poll is created User follows a content item Review is posted Member logs in for the first time that day New club is created Content item/comment is promoted or featured Comment/reply is posted User follows a forum, blog, gallery, category etc User votes on a poll User is followed New content item is posted Post is marked as best answer There are also corresponding When/Then Rules for each item listed above. When this action happens, then this subsequent action happens. Example: when a member posts 10 times, then this Badge is awarded. Badges Community leaders can also create specific Rules when deciding what actions earn Badges. For example, reward your members with a Badge for visiting your community for 20 days. Once a member reaches 20 visits or more over 20 days, the Achievements system will automatically award them a ‘20 Visits’ Badge you’ve previously created. Ranks In 4.6, we’ve completely revamped our Ranks system to communicate with Achievements. Achievements’ Ranks system will replace our previous Ranks system* Set up different Ranks based on how many Points a member earns. Ranks display a members’ perceived value to the community. The higher a members’ Rank, the greater their influence because the more they’ve participated. Ranks are currently for prestige at the moment. Here's our example for a pretend Coconut community: There’s a lot of information to absorb here, but if there’s anything to take away from this blog post it’s this: empower your contributing members with Achievements and watch your community grow. It creates an immersive and elevated experience for your die-hards. And hey, who doesn’t love to earn? When 4.6 and Achievements is officially released for all, we’ll hold a live Q&A event for you to join and ask any questions you may have. Props? Concerns? Comments? Questions? We’d love for you to sound off in the comments! Not only because we want to hear from you, but because it’ll earn you some sweet, sweet Points, too! 2021年4月13日星期二15:41:05+0000 通过内容策划万博最佳平台将您的社区提升到一个新的水平 //www.kcjns.com/news/community-management/take-your-community-to-the-next-level-with-content-curation-r1226/ 社区共享就是社区关怀。相信我:显著地管理你的会员内容将极大地加速增长。这也非常有趣。我从2004年开始经营自己的公司BreatheHeavy。当许多在线企业因为社交媒体的迫近而关闭时,我的企业却因为社区而兴旺起来。充分披露?早在2004年,我就不知道创建一个社区会成为生存的秘密。要是我当时知道现在知道的就好了。后见之明是20/20(这个数字让我感到焦虑,对吧?),但我从未完全理解或欣赏社区建设对游戏的巨大改变。相关:适度的重要性,呃… Community Guidance (New Video!) In the past, I focused my efforts on writing news articles (in Wordpress) while my Invision Community community ran rampant. I felt my presence needed to take center stage. That cast a shadow on my community and thus my members. I unintentionally muted their voices by exclusively promoting mine. That was a colossal mistake, but the greatest learning lesson. One year ago, I decided to pivot and shift all my energy towards fostering my community; the results were astounding! I saw more than a 100% increase in unique visits compared to the previous year. The most powerful change I made was shining a light on the content my members created. My website went from being a news site to a community. I constructed a new homepage that featured topics created by myself AND my members. This not only manifested a dynamic, constantly varied homepage, but also incentivized members to post thought-provoking and engaging topics in the hopes their content gets featured. In my community, topics that are featured on the homepage are considerably more viewed and commented on than topics that aren’t. I suspect you’d find similar results. Here’s how I set up my new homepage: I utilized Invision Community’s custom blocks feature. It’s available with the Pages application. I created a new block plugin, selected “topic feed” from the list, then set the permissions in the Feed Configuration tab to only show “featured” topics from members. I also used @opentype's SuperTopics plugin to give a more-polished look. Might sound a bit complex, but it’s rather intuitive. Community leaders can “feature” members’ content by selecting their topic and in the moderation panel, tap “Feature.” Our Picks “Featuring” content isn’t the only powerful tool Invision Community has baked into its software to highlight your members’ content. We’ve also carefully crafted a promotion option to manually select content that’s included on the “Our Picks” page and corresponding block. This is another powerful method to curate community content. We created a guide on how to set up promotion/our picks. With great power comes great responsibility The ability to “feature” content is a privilege only moderators in your community should have access to – at least in the beginning. Avoid giving any member the ability to freely feature their own content onto the homepage - instead, focus on manually curating the content. Be selective and choose what topics you want to represent your community. By creating a standard, your homepage won’t feature any and all content. Instead, it’ll display items you believe will pack the greatest punch. Featuring your members' content visibly shows your desire to embrace your community. It’s one thing to comment on members’ topics, it’s another to feature and promote them for all to see. That’s the secret sauce of curation. Do you agree? Disagree? Have any suggestions? Curate content in your own community? How many questions can I ask in a row? Drop us a line in the comments below! 2021年3月26日星期五16:17:00+0000 节制的重要性,呃。。。社区指导(新视频!) //www.kcjns.com/news/community-management/the-importance-of-moderation-err-community-guidance-new-video-r1225/ 适度感觉有点像社交媒体出现之前的一个过时术语,但它仍然存在。我们想从引导社区与调节社区的角度重新构建您的思维框架。指导是任何繁荣社区的重要组成部分,因为它为社区创造了结构和边界。通常,人们认为社区指导是关于限制的,但实际上它允许您的社区以健康的方式表达自己。除非为所有成员制定了明确的万博最佳平台指导方针,否则所有社区都会遇到问题。只需要几个有毒的巨魔就能搞垮整个社区的数千名成员。作为一个社区领袖,在允许言论自由和限制人们可以说什么和不能说什么之间找到平衡是很重要的。一个网络巨魔往往想看看他们能逃脱什么,并把边界推向边缘。他们会声称不允许他们说出自己的想法,但我想强调这一点的重要性:言论自由有一些限制。例如,你不能只是喊“着火了!”在拥挤的房间里,因为你相信你有言论自由的权利(尽管有些人认为你可以,这就是为什么指导是必要的)。每个人都需要遵循某些规则,才能使在线社区发挥作用。当你指导你的社区时,你想做的第一件事是。。。创建社区指南。这些指导方针必须清晰可见,易于获取。在那里,你可以列出你想要的所有基本规则,但本质上应该归结为:友善。发帖时要尊重他人,记住用户名后面有个人。重要的是,不要仅仅因为你可以,就隐藏在匿名背后。作为社区的一部分,意味着所有成员都必须遵守这些准则。如果有人“违反规则”还是无视这些准则?作为您所在社区的领导者,您将如何继续?您可以通过创建可操作的规则来做到这一点,如果成员违反这些规则,这些规则可能会对其在社区中的地位产生不利影响。我知道这听起来有点威胁,但重要的是要让你的社区知道你在那里支持他们,你的首要任务是倾听他们的意见,但同时你必须采取行动维护和平。Invision社区有自动调节工具,并在软件中加入了警告系统部分。下面是Invision社区管理面板的快照,社区领导人可以在其中设置自定义自动审核规则:点击此处了解有关如何对社区实施社区指导/审核的更多具体信息。这些规则的一个重要组成部分是,对所有成员全面执行这些规则,并始终如一地执行。如果你为一个成员而不是另一个成员敞开大门,就会产生一个不必要的等级制度,并引发混乱。保持一致性的最佳方法之一是走在路上。通过自己的方式发布和贡献,向社区展示您希望他们如何发布。这样做的目的是建立一个明显的先例。从这里开始,您将开始注意到其他社区成员以类似于您的方式(以身作则)做出贡献。这是一个很好的机会去考虑他们加入一个新的版主团队。无论他们是付费的版主还是志愿者,你仍然希望他们成为社区中的小型领导者。对他们来说,你是一个积极的榜样是很重要的。在顶部观看视频,然后在评论中给我们留言!嘿,当我有你的时候。。。看看我们自己的社区对节制(又称社区指导)的看法。记住,引导你的社区从顶层开始(也就是你!)。现在走出去,实现现代化。。。指导请继续关注即将发布的更多Invision社区视频内容!狗万最低限额 2021年3月8日星期一17:22:00+0000 招聘:PHP开发人员加入我们不断壮大的团队 //www.kcjns.com/news/company/wanted-php-developer-to-join-our-gring-team-r1224/ Invision Community has an exciting opportunity for an experienced PHP developer to join our team. Invision Power Services, Inc. is behind the leading community software platform, Invision Community. Our tailored solutions serve clients of all sizes, from smaller communities to the world’s biggest brands. We have been on the forefront of independent and white label engagement communities since 2002. The Role As a back end PHP developer, you will be working closely within a tight nimble team. You are a clear thinking problem solver and are able to demonstrate skills in creativity and innovation with the ability to meet deadlines. You thrive when given a brief and create well structured efficient code. Your role will be varied and involve bug fixing, peer reviews, helping refine a technical specification and contribute code towards new functionality for Invision Community. The position is remote, but it will require significant overlap with the EST working day. We offer a friendly relaxed environment with an established team who have a passion for what they do. There is an opportunity to learn from others and progress into more senior roles. Key Responsibilities Write well designed testable efficient code by using sound development processes Cooperate with other team members to develop new features Gather and refine specifications are requirements based on technical needs Create and maintain software documentation The most important characteristic is a willingness to learn and to take on new challenges. The role is varied and you can be working on a launch with an enterprise customer or crafting code for our latest features depending on priorities. Skills & Experience Significant experience as a PHP developer in a commercial environment Experience with MySQL. Experience with github. Experience with various web services such as OAuth, SAML, REST, etc. Experience working within a team with a strong culture. Some experience with HTML, CSS and JS. Worked on large scale applications. Confident with modern OOP standards including traits, etc. The depth of experience can vary between developers. Please apply even if some of these areas are not your strongest points. We can offer training and mentoring for the right candidate and our team is very supportive. Location Remote but must be available for a significant portion of 9-5 EST working day. Salary Dependent on experience. Please submit your salary expectations on the application form. How To Apply Please complete the application form giving us as much information as possible. 2021年3月3日星期三13:55:00+0000 帮助我,Invis狗万最低限额ion社区。你是我唯一的希望:从管理员到社区领袖 //www.kcjns.com/news/community-management/help-me-invision-community-youre-my-only-hope-from-administrator-to-community-leader-r1223/ 作为社区领导者的力量。很久以前,在跨国公司远远,很远......我自豪地签署了我的所有帖子和带有标题的电子邮件:所有者,管理员。来自我10英里的数字半径的任何人都得到了很好的了解:我是所有者和管理员。我很重要我保证。我拥有并管理!!!授予我在全帽子上举行,但仍然是。我的断言在在线存在的所有领域渗透。虽然善意,但我的身份作为管理员将我带走了我培养的社区。我更多地专注于种植小组而不是成为集团的一部分,从而创建一个未说明的层次结构,将我的成员放在我下面。认识到你的成员是生活,呼吸,感觉人是社区建设中最重要的方面之一,但我看不到树木的森林。 Part of me enjoyed the authority and power attached to my role as the website’s administrator. But with that power came isolating separation – the dark side if you will. A community I unknowingly built was unrelatable to me because I was unrelatable to them. Is it possible to remove “me” and “them” from the equation entirely and replace it with an “us?” Our community members aren’t naive to the fact that someone does technically own the community, and that part of your role as a community leader is administrating. It’s less about the title and more of the mindset. How can you connect with your community? By being relatable and approachable. Better yet? Leading by example. Become a community leader Shifting your interpersonal narrative from administrator to community leader can profoundly change your community’s culture for the better. As a community leader, you’ll inevitably perform administrative tasks, including the nitty gritty like group promotions, moderating and reputation (all critical functions for a high-functioning community). However, it’s possible to execute said functions while cloaked under anonymity that the administrator title can provide (that’s not necessarily good or bad, it just is). An important component to community leading is visibility. For many years, I made sure my Invision Community software was up-to-date, licenses paid, the registration system worked, spam defense was light-saber slicing the plastic-surgery-gambling bots to Tatooine. I was a fantastic administrator, but my presence from my community, the very place I worked tirelessly to keep running, was sorely missed. The moment I went “all-in,” meaning I decided to become an integral part of my community outside of the administrator role (by commenting on members’ topics, responding back in private message group chats, reacting to content, listening to feedback and opening up about real-life success and failures) is the moment I evolved into a community leader. I wanted to be seen. My deliberate change of self perception produced exponential growth in terms of traffic and new registrations. More importantly, I became a better community leader. I feel compelled to not only share pop music news with my community, but also what’s going on in my life. It wasn’t a comfortable transition, but a necessary one. Upon stripping away my title from administrator to community leader, I became a role model. I became someone my members came to for more than just technical forum advice. They wanted to see how I was doing. They wanted to share their wins and losses with me after seeing me succeed and fail in public. They saw me as a person; a leader. At the end of the day, community leading means forging connections, sharing your highs and lows and showing up for your members. That starts from within, which may feel incredibly awkward at first, but get comfortable with discomfort and watch you and your community blossom. Thoughts on transforming from administrator to Jedi community leader? Sound off in the comments! And may the +1 be with you. Thu, 25 Feb 2021 16:09:02 +0000 <![CDATA[网络推送通知、本机共享和脱机支持]]> //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/web-push-notifications-native-sharing-offline-support-r1222/ As we approach the release of Invision Community 4.6, I wanted to take you through some improvements for using Invision Community on a mobile device. Web push notifications For some time, we've used the local browser notification API to show users notifications. There's a big drawback though: users had to have the site open in a tab for these to work. This is particularly problematic for mobile devices. In 4.6, we've added support for the WebPush API, which allows sites to push notifications to users' browsers & devices even if the site isn't open - or even if the device is asleep. We already have support baked in for push notifications via our beta mobile app, so we've piggy-backed on that system and expanded it to support browser-based push notifications. Choosing push notifications For users, it's a simple process. A little while after joining a community they will prompted to accept notifications from the site when they open the notification list dropdown (or they can opt-in any time from the notification settings screen). After accepting, they will be able to choose a "Notification List + Push" option for any of the available notification types. Push notifications enabled Existing users, who may have already granted permission to the site in the past, will be re-prompted to accept push notifications upon logging in after the 4.6 upgrade. Push notifications typically show on the homescreen of a phone or in the notification tray of a desktop computer, so receiving dozens of notifications could be overwhelming. For that reason, Invision Community will automatically merge related notifications - for example, multiple mentions from the same topic, or multiple new topics from the same forum. Grouped push notifications And, of course, users can stop push notifications across all of their devices with a single click if they want to opt out. We're excited about the engagement potential of push notifications, since they allow you to immediately reach users who aren't currently on your site - a job previously left to email alone. On the subject of notifications, one more thing: we've heard your feedback about notifications for new replies/mentions being merged with notifications for likes/quotes, and will be separating these two types into their own permissions in 4.6. We're acutely aware that making notifications annoying results in users turning them off, so we're always looking to ensure there is a reasonable balance. Splash Screen Images When you add a website to your phone's desktop, it appears like a native app. Tapping to launch the site can show a blank screen for a few seconds while the website is loaded. Fortunately, you can now set a 'splash' image in the Admin CP which is shown when launching the app. Sharing using native share options Another enhancement coming in 4.6 is the addition of the device share sheet when sharing content from within Invision Community. Users will now see a "More Sharing Options" button (providing their device/browser supports the underlying API) which, when tapped, will open the device share sheet. The options available depend on the device, but typically include actions like sharing links in WhatsApp, posting to Facebook or creating a note. Offline support With a larger share of users now using mobile devices for most of their browsing comes the problem of patchy phone signal and internet connections dropping out. For a dynamic web-based platform like Invision Community, it's difficult to offer much in the way of full offline support, but starting in 4.6 we will present a branded offline page to users when they have no internet connection and try to access the community. We hope that you are looking forward to these PWA improvements coming in Invision Community 4.6! 2021年2月24日星期三17:04:02+0000 社区更新万博最佳平台 //www.kcjns.com/news/company/updates-to-our-community-r1221/ You’ve probably already noticed that something looks a little different in our community today. As part of our ongoing community improvements, we’ve performed some housekeeping to streamline the forum structure, make more distinction between areas and open up a few areas to guests and friends. The big visual change is that we now have four separate areas: support, community, marketplace and developers. It should hopefully be clear what each section does, but let's go through a few examples. Support This area is where you can leave feedback on existing features, help shape Invision Community’s future by suggesting new functionality and also where you can get quick support from fellow Invision Community owners and our team. Starting today, you can post in the Help & Support forum to get help from our team. If you’re unsure what a feature does, or think you’ve spotted an issue that needs our help, then you’re welcome to start a topic. Of course, if you want private support, then you are welcome to create a ticket in the client area as normal. Community Even the most seasoned community manager needs a little help from time to time. This section is the place to ask about strategy, to blow off steam in the lounge or to ask for fellow owners to help with support requirements outside of official support, such as configuring servers, databases and so on. Marketplace Our Marketplace brings hundreds of new features, themes, language translations and plug-ins to your Invision Community. If you need support or have a request for something you’ve purchased from the Marketplace, drop into the forums here. Developers Invision Community is blessed with a strong developer community extending the rich functionality of Invision Community. If you’re looking to develop an idea for Invision Community, these forums will let you connect with our development team to answer questions as well as get help from other marketplace authors. Other Changes There are a few other changes of note that I’d like to go through. Firstly, ‘Visitors’ (that is a registered member without an active license) are now ‘Friends’. Who doesn’t need new friends? Guests and Friends can now view the official support forums, but cannot post a new support request or reply to existing ones. We’ve merged ‘General Chat’ in with the Client Lounge to form ‘The Community Managers’ Lounge’. This is still a perk for active customers and the topics are not viewable unless you have an active license. Finally, we’ve gone through and spruced up some of the forum rules, descriptions and custom error messages. I hope these changes make it easier to find what you need and get a little help when you need it. 2021年2月18日星期四16:19:02+0000 带有zapier的没有代码自动化 //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/no-code-automation-with-zapier-r1220/ 云和企业社区客户只需点击几下,就可以在Invision社区和3000多个其他应用程序(包括Google Documents、MailChimp、Facebook狗万最低限额和Twitter)之间创建自动化的工作流。如果你还没有将你的Invision社区与Zapier整合在一起,你就要把有机增长留在桌面上了!这是一个疯狂的一年,所以我们想刷新你关于非常强大的隐形和扎皮尔婚姻的记忆(嘿,还记得婚礼是什么时候吗?)。Zapier是一项允许您连接3000多个web应用程序的服务。去年,Invision社区发布了4.5更新,并附带了Zapier集成的测试版服务。Zapier是首款专为云计算和企业社区客户提供的智能社区增强功能。用黄金衡量它的重量是值得的。还是加密?无论我们如何量化这些天的价值,Invision社区和Zapier一起创造真正的价值,并有潜力提升您的社区(和底线)。如果您还没有建立Zapier,您可以按照我们的指南使用Invision社区创建您的第一个“Zap”。正如@Matt之前在我们的公告中提到的,Invision和Zapier的集成可以与一些互联网最广泛的平台进行通信,包括Google Docs、Twitter、Facebook、Slack、Trello、Facebook广告、ActiveCampaign、Zendesk、Asana、Salesforce、Hubspot、Discord、Stripe等。我们要强调三个关键项目:触发器操作自集成触发器:Invision→ Zapier当社区中有特定信号时,“触发”就会发生。例如,正在注册的成员或正在发布的主题。可以向Zapier发送触发器,然后在其他应用程序中运行操作。这里有几个例子:当会员注册时,将他们的电子邮件添加到邮件列表中。当主持人在新闻论坛上发布主题时,请在Facebook、Twitter和其他社交平台上分享。当会员发布需要版主批准的内容时,向版主的松弛频道发送消息。行动:扎皮尔→ Invision一个“动作”类似于一个“触发器”,因为存在运动,但它是通过在Zapier中首先设置一个动作来实现的,该动作会告诉您的社区执行X动作。而“触发器”则是先在Invision社区中设置一个动作,然后告诉万博最佳平台Zapier执行X动作。下面是一些让你思考的例子:当你在谷歌日历中添加一个事件时,在你的社区中创建一个日历事件。当您收到反馈电子邮件地址的电子邮件时,请在论坛中为版主创建社区主题。在Trello中创建任务时,将记录添加到社区的Pages数据库中。当新成员注册时,通过MailChimp、ActiveCampaign等将其添加到您的邮件列表中。自集成:Invision→ Invision我们还包括一个自集成选项,允许社区所有者将Invision社区触发器连接到Invision社区操作。例如:当会员注册时,在欢迎论坛中创建一个主题。简言之:触发器=Invision与→ 扎皮尔,然后扎皮尔采取行动。行动=Zapier与→ Invision,然后Invision采取行动。自我整合=您的Invision社区与→ 你的Invision社区,然后你的Invision社区采取行动。如果您有任何问题,请随时在下面发表评论!我来这里是为了帮助您将您的Invision社区转变为一个由Zapier提供动力的自动化系统的参与和高效的世界。已经在Zapier了?你有什么经验?发出声音,让我们知道您到目前为止使用了哪些功能,以及您希望在将来看到哪些触发或操作。 Wed, 17 Feb 2021 14:54:01 +0000 在善良和脆弱的社区与毒性作斗争 //www.kcjns.com/news/community-management/battling-toxicity-in-communities-with-kindness-and-vulnerability-r1219/ 通过在您的在线社区中漏洞的漏洞力量促进善意和培养人际关系。在我作为一个社区倡导者与Invision社区的时代之前,我专注于我对自己的在线社区,呼吸狗万最低限额的所有人。流行音乐和布兰妮斯皮尔斯新闻是呼吸的面包和黄油。您可以想象,流行恒星的粉丝充满活力,声乐和疏通。对谈话的实际潜力陷入消极性。16年前,当我发起呼吸时,我没有意识到我采取了第一步成为一个社区领导者。它从未发生过这样的角色。我的使命从论坛管理员发展到社区领导者,在此过程中,我发现了一种社区建设的爱。一路上,我学到了有关有毒群落文化的宝贵课程(阴影是一个流行明星,然后让我知道这是如何为你的)。什么是在线社区大楼? It’s the act of cultivating culture and creating connections on the Internet. It’s an essential aspect most businesses don’t focus on enough because it’s hard to quantify its value A.K.A. the bottom line. I spent the majority of my career writing news articles. My resources went into content creation on my company’s blog section while my community members, completely segregated from my news posts, ran rampant. I recall thinking, “negative comments are better than no comments!” That thought eventually led to the demise of my community. The trolls had infiltrated and won. Credit: Unsplash A mob of toxic commentators had free reign, thus scaring away quality members. Freedom of speech is imperative, but it also has limitations (screaming “fire!” in a crowded theater is not applicable to free speech). To better understand how we can combat negativity in our communities, let’s first define what makes a community toxic? When a member or group of members devalue the community. Their negativity permeates throughout the community in such a profound way that it repels others from contributing, engaging and worst of all: not returning. As much as I hate to admit it, toxic members are powerful. They can influence your community, albeit in the opposite direction of what community owners want. Their role deteriorates the community they call home. The compounding effect of flippant responses, snide remarks, indifference, arguments and attacks ultimately creates chaos. The sad thing is... they’re usually unaware their behavior is adversely affecting the community. If they’re oblivious, there’s no opportunity to turn things around. In an effort to better understand their motivation (and avoid smashing the ban hammer), I personally reach out to these members in a private message. Call me a sap, but I’m a firm believer that people can change if you communicate with them. This is a great opportunity to send them a private message. People just want to be heard. When someone exhibits toxic behavior... ask yourself why, and more importantly... can you help them? Typically, a troll’s demeanor stems from what’s transpired in their real life, and it manifests onto your community (lucky you!). Know there’s a motive behind the negativity; a harsh reality they may not want to face. You’re not necessarily required to reach out, and a suspension is a lot easier, but taking this upon yourself as a community leader to uncover what’s really going on is an unrequited and selfless act that’ll set your community apart. In other words: it’s a very kind thing to do. Credit: Unsplash Kindness in communities The most profound way to fight toxicity in an online community is by not fighting at all. It’s by offering kindness to those who need it the most. That’s done through outreach and personal displays of vulnerability. Members on the other end want to know they’re talking with another person. A person who also encounters struggles in life, but found ways to not only overcome those hurdles, but lean into them as they forge mental fortitude - an important component for successful community leaders. Your past challenges can inspire change in peoples’ futures. A powerful way to do this is through being vulnerable. Dr. Brené Brown, who’s extensively researched what it means to be vulnerable, said it best: “The difficult thing is that vulnerability is the first thing I look for in you and the last thing I’m willing to show you. In you, it’s courage and daring. In me, it’s weakness.” It’s easy to expect others (in our case toxic members) to share with you some real life hurdles they’ve encountered. It’s much more difficult for us (the community leader) to shine a light back on ourselves and share that vulnerability back. However, it’s the secret ingredient to creating a perfectly baked community cake. The act of opening up to an anonymous person in need not only can inspire them to change, but it opens a door towards further self-discovery. Being vulnerable with your members empowers them and you. So the next time you notice a toxic member’s pattern regarding how they post, take a pause. Remember there’s more behind the curtain, that hurt people hurt people, then take the opportunity to be kind, practice being vulnerable and watch your community garden blossom. How do YOU battle toxicity in your Invision communities? Sound off in the comments below. Hero Image Credit: Unsplash 2021年2月12日星期五09:43:03+0000 欢迎加入球队,乔丹! //www.kcjns.com/news/company/welcome-to-the-team-jordan-r1218/ 我很高兴能介绍团队Invision社区的最新成员。你可能会从他的照片中认出乔丹,因为他是我们社区中一个活狗万最低限额跃的成员,呼吸沉重。乔丹已经使用Invision社区运行他的网站Breatheheheavy.com近十年了。Jordan的官方头衔是“社区倡导者”,这意味着他将与我们的社区万博最佳平台密切合作,指导和策划反馈,协助解决支持问题,帮助教育和告知您,并向您介绍我们的开发团队正在策划的最新发展。乔丹说:你的反馈、想法和问题很重要。在过去的十年里,我一直在探索在我自己的以隐形为动力的社区“呼吸重”中成为社区领袖意味着什么。社区建设是一个持续的过程,它给我上了宝贵的一课,即从社区中吸收反馈然后采取果断行动的重要性。我很兴奋也很荣幸能与Invision社区分享这一见解。我的新角色旨在阐明Invision社区成员(即您!)想要什么,并与团队分享。我期待着了解你!我们非常高兴能在Invision社区中开启新的篇章,以改善沟通,吸引更多Invision社区所有者,并充分利用我们收到的优秀反馈。在接下来的几天里,你将在论坛上看到更多关于约旦的信息。 2021年1月28日星期四20:39:01+0000 健康仪表板 //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/health-dashboard-r1216/ 多年来,支持工具一直为我们提供良好的服务。您可以从管理员的舒适感中,一目了然地发现当前和未来社区中的潜在问题,并且通常只需单击几下就可以解决这些问题。但如果我们能做得更好呢?如果我们可以使这个有用的软件管理区域变万博最佳平台得更加有用,会怎么样?Invision Community的下一个版本引入了一个新的“健康仪表板”,它取代了以前的支持工具,帮助您更好地了解社区中的潜在问题,同时保留您了解并依靠的所有功能来解决社区中的问题。当您启动新的健康仪表板时,您会注意到的第一件事是,以前的“向导”过程现在已经不存在了,取而代之的是一个页面,让您可以访问您可能想要或需要的所有内容。页面的中心是标识社区、服务器和配置的特定区域的块,这些区域现在或将来可能会出现问题。Invision社区将检查可用更新、修改的源文件、服务器软件配置问题、服务器是否运行重要软件的必需和/或推荐版本等。此页面中添加了其他检查和建狗万最低限额议,以帮助确定可能对您的社区有益或避免有害的其他调整。问题按颜色编码并分类为信息性、推荐性或关键性,页面顶部提供了一个摘要,带有一个简单的“再次检查”按钮,这样做不会使您离开屏幕。如果我们意识到一个问题,我们可以通过公告迅速通知社区,公告将显示在本页的“已知问题”栏中。这些公告还可以触发AdminCP通知,但是只要它们相关,即使AdminCP通知被取消,它们也将继续显示在运行状况仪表板上。页面中添加了显示系统、错误和电子邮件错误日志活动的图表,以帮助您识别记录问题中的峰值。通常,如果您的社区开始出现问题,那么这些类型的错误日志会增加,因此此处的图表旨在让您识别这些日志的增加,从而让您能够更快地进行调查和作出反应。右侧边栏显示了您可能需要访问的常用工具。第一块允许您查看我们最新的特色指南,以及搜索我们的文档。虽然此功能在现有支持工具中可用,但我们发现它很少使用,因为人们更经常地访问该工具以允许软件检查常见问题,而搜索文档的能力需要通过支持向导进行单独的工作流程。由于块始终可用(并且通过AJAX“实时”执行搜索),我们希望用户现在会发现从AdminCP搜索文档的功能更加有用。接下来,通过“工具和诊断”块,您可以访问可能需要使用的常用工具。您可以快速清除系统缓存,以及访问phpinfo、SQL工具箱(仅适用于自托管客户端)和禁用所有第三方自定义。禁用自定义设置的过程和行为与支持工具中的现有过程非常相似,在模式窗口中打开禁用的自定义设置列表,并且仍然可以重新启用所有自定义设置或选择性地重新启用单个自定义设置。禁用定制仍然很简单。最后,提交支持票证的功能仍然可以在此屏幕上使用。单击按钮提交支持票证后,您将看到一个模式对话框中的表单,该对话框的行为与现有表单非常相似,只添加了一个次要但有用的内容:如果社区中尚未安装任何修补程序,则在提交票证之前,表单上会提醒您注意这一点。请将此视为最后一个提醒,在联系我们寻求官方技术支持之前,您的问题可能已经通过安装任何可用修补程序得到解决。提交支持通知单只需点击几下,我们相信改进的工作流程和用户体验将帮助管理员和支持技术人员更快地确定社区中需要解决的任何问题。 Tue, 22 Dec 2020 14:49:23 +0000 我们正在招聘,有三个新职位需要填补! //www.kcjns.com/news/company/were-hiring-and-have-three-new-positions-to-fill-r1217/ 狗万最低限额Invision社区正在成长!我们目前正在招聘三个新角色,一个全职,两个兼职。申请现已截止,谢谢所有申请者。我们将在接下来的几周内检查它们。对于Invision社区的所有人来说,这是非常忙碌的一年,我们的持续成功意味着我们希望通过三个新角色来进一步扩大我们的团队。Invision Power Services,Inc.是领先的社区软件平台Invision community的后盾。我们量身定制的解决方案服务于各种规模的客户,从较小的社区到世界最大的品牌。我们期待着在2021年启动一支紧密团结的、以客户为中心的支持团队,为我们的客户建立一种积极的支持文化。所有角色都是完全远程工作的。客户服务超级明星我们需要一名全职客户服务超级明星,这是公司内的一个新职位。您以解决方案为导向,对客户着迷,热衷于为客户培养积极的支持文化。这个角色的人:在面向公众的论坛上回答客户的问题。根据我们的流程对开发人员的客户端请求进行分类。减少沟通中的问题或潜在问题。向我们的开发团队宣传客户。熟悉技术并愿意学习我们的平台。你为什么要申请?在帮助客户时,您是一位客户服务之星,以解决方案为导向。您有信心通过论坛式、面向公众的支持进行对话。你可狗万赢钱靠谱以清楚地用书面和口头交流。我们主要以英语提供客户服务。您看到了简化改进以帮助我们的团队更好地为客户服务的机会。很高兴与社区内的客户互动,建立一个充满活力的支持文化。你与远程团队合作得很好。你是个人组织,适合在远程工作环境中表现出色。兼职社区支持助理我们希望为我们不断壮大的团队增加两名兼职社区支持助理。您积极主动,专注于帮助客户进行支持咨询。您的角色是通过面向公众的支持论坛帮助客户。理想情况下,您将拥有客户支持经验,熟悉我们的社区平台,熟悉FTP、Amazon S3、PHP和MySQL等技术。工作地点:公司总部位于弗吉尼亚州林奇堡,员工遍布全球。这些位置是远程工作的。感兴趣的分享你的简历和特点,让你最适合这个职位。请包括您的可用工作时间(时区)。由于我们对入门级和有经验的申请人都开放,您可以根据自己对相关技能和经验的评估,选择包括所需的起薪。现在就申请!申请现已截止,谢谢所有申请者。我们将在接下来的几周内检查它们。万博最佳平台 2020年12月18日星期五16:53:00+0000 用群组回复突出主题 //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/highlight-topics-with-replies-from-groups-r1215/ 如果在您单击打开某个主题之前,知道某个工作人员是否已经回复了该主题,那不是很好吗?当你浏览主题列表时,知道哪些主题得到了社区团队成员的回复可以帮助你决定阅读哪些主题。目前,您需要打开主题并扫描帖子,以查看是否有团队的回复。令人高兴的是,在我们的下一个版本中,我们已经清楚地说明了哪些人得到了特定组成员的回复。您可以通过管理员CP中的“组”窗体指定要显示为已回复的组。管理员CP中的“每个组”设置可以选择根据成员的主组、次组或两者来检测组。查看主题列表时,您将看到一个徽章,显示该组的成员已回复。这个简单的功能将使它更容易突出时,重要的答复已作出的主题,这是一个伟大的补充论坛使用新的'解决'的功能。请在下面告诉我您是否将使用此新功能以及您希望在将来看到的内容。 2020年12月9日星期三12:21:00+0000 解决了内容改进问题 //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/solved-content-improvense-r1214/r1214/ 很长一段时间以来,Invision狗万最低限额社区在论坛应用程序中支持问答模式,允许将回复标记为所提出问题的“最佳答案”。随着4.5的发布,我们还引入了一种允许将主题标记为“已解决”的方法,该方法引入了类似的功能,而不会改变论坛本身的外观或其他行为。基于4.5中这个新添加的流行性,我们在下一版本中对已解决的主题和回答的问题做了一些进一步的改进。主题/问题发起者通知4.5版的发布为回答问题或解决主题的海报提供了通知,但此版本还添加了主题或问题发起者的通知,以便让他们知道问题的答案可用。主题和问题初学者现在可以获得解决方案通知AdminCP统计信息已解决的主题和已回答的问题提供可测量的统计信息,可帮助您确定社区的健康状况和方向,特别是支持社区。为此,我们引入了两个新的内容统计块,可以帮助您衡量社区中支持答案和解决方案的领域的进展情况。新的AdminCP统计信息您现在可以快速查看已解决的主题/问题的百分比(相对于在支持解决方案的区域中发布的总数),以及在主题或问题上标记解决方案所花费的平均时间(相对于主题或问题最初发布的时间)。这些统计数据块支持时间段筛选、时间段比较和节点筛选,以缩小统计数据范围以满足您的特定需要。用户配置文件增强用户配置文件现在显示用户发布的解决方案数量,还允许您以与声誉非常类似的方式查看所有这些解决方案。多产的问题解决者现在将被大胆地召集起来,答案可以在用户配置文件中快速找到。这些改进将有助于奖励社区中最有帮助的用户,让他们获得更高的声望,并帮助其他用户更快地找到答案。总之,我们希望这些更改使论坛应用程序中的问答和主题解决方案功能对您的社区成员和社区背后的管理员更有用。万博最佳平台狗万赢钱靠谱 2020年12月8日星期二15:34:01+0000 匿名发布 //www.kcjns.com/news/product-updates/anonymous-posting-r1213/ 很长一段时间以来,Invision Com狗万最低限额munity允许社区所有者选择他们的社区应该是开放还是私密。社区可以允许客人在不注册的情况下发帖,他们可以允许使用假名,也可以要求使用真实姓名。这涵盖了各种各样的社区,但是来自客户的反馈让我们意识到有些用例没有被考虑进去。对于某些讨论话题特别敏感的社区,社区所有者希望确保成员注册真实信息,但可以选择在适当的地方匿名发帖。例如,处理虐待或敏感话题的组织可能希望成员感到安全,不受抑制地发布信息,而不必担心被社区其他成员认出来。在我们的下一个版本中,我们很高兴引入匿名发帖,使这成为现实。当启用时,成员将看到在创建或回复内容时匿名发布的选项。在社区中,匿名发布内容的作者详细信息将被隐藏,取而代之的是默认的个人资料图片和名字。然而,完全匿名并不总是可取的,在某些情况下,对于值得信任的工作人员来说,知道谁发布了内容可能是必要的。在允许的情况下,将向这些工作人员显示一个选项,以显示内容作者。 Author details are hidden but can be revealed by trusted staff members Anonymous posting can be enabled on a per group basis and also limited to specific forums, albums and categories etc. The ability for staff members to reveal who really posted the content is a moderator permission. We hope this new feature is a useful addition and where appropriate makes your members feel safe or comfortable to share info they might not have otherwise. How open or private is your community and what do you find are the benefits or disadvantages of anonymity? 2020年11月12日星期四13:21:00+0000 创建一个新社区需要目标、价值和情感 //www.kcjns.com/news/community-management/launching-a-new-community-needs-purpose-value-and-emotion-r1212/ 我们最常遇到的问题之一就是如何确保新社区的成功发布。您可能认为,如果您拥有正确的配置和正确的特性,那么成功是有保证的,但它需要的不止这些。早在21世纪初,当互联网还处于婴儿期时,新社区就出现了爆炸式增长。如果你有一些网络空间,一些技术知识和一个论坛脚本,你几乎可以保证吸引人们进入你的社区。万博最佳平台现在,你需要做更多的工作才能让你的新社区起步。有很多书籍和资源可以帮助你,但是专注于你的目标、价值和情感会给你一颗明亮的星星。第一次访问时,你的社区的目的应该非常清楚。万博最佳平台你希望你的新访客能够立即理解你的社区存在的原因以及他们将从中获得的利益。万博最佳平台这可以通过在顶部写一份简短的任务声明来体现,也可以通过强大的视觉设计和结构来体现。在创建一个新社区时,你的目标要尽可能明确。 You can always broaden when it grows. This may go against your instinct to cast a wide net to catch as many people as possible, but resist that temptation! For example, a community focused on fitness has a vague purpose. Fitness is a broad topic, and there are many niches inside of it. This could be anything from losing weight, to running faster to increasing the weight on a barbell. Narrowing the focus to running helps a little, but there’s a lot of space in that field. You have marathon runners, ultra runners, Sunday park joggers and everything in between. A better starting point for a community may be “Run your first 5k”. This instantly makes it very clear to your audience that you intend to help new runners develop their ability enough to finish a short race. The sense of purpose is clear, and it is easy to know what to ask of this new community and the benefit you may get. Asperger Experts has a strong design and mission statement above the fold, which makes its purpose clear from the first visit. Asperger Experts Make your purpose very clear and don’t be afraid to niche down to a specific area, to begin with. Value The earliest communities allowed people from all around the world to gather and talk. Anyone who had the technical skill to host a community could be virtually guaranteed members and just being able to meet was all the value needed. We now live in more sophisticated times and crave more than facilitation. Your community needs to add value beyond companionship and knowledge. One of the simplest ways to give value to your members is through sharing your expertise. A steady flow of written articles or videos gives your members a reason to come back. IG, a fintech company use their expert articles to draw their audience back to their community to contribute. IG is a known leader in their field, so their blog is a real draw for those investing in the markets. IG.com Never post for the sake of it, always inform, educate or entertain your community. Emotion At the heart of every conversation is emotion. We pride ourselves on being logical and thoughtful creatures, yet our emotional brain responds first and makes a judgement often subconsciously. Setting the pitch and tone of your community is critical from its earliest days. As the community manager, you get to define the tone by modelling the behaviour you want to see in your own content. Some communities do well with dark humour and snark; while others require positivity and fun. “Humans are herd animals. We want to fit in, to bond with others, and to earn respect and approval of our peers. Such inclinations are essential to our survival. For most of our evolutionary history, our ancestors lived in tribes. Becoming separated from the tribe—or worse, being cast out—was a death sentence.” - James Clear Hang out where your audience hangs out and develop your tone so that it resonates with your community. Starting a community is a rewarding experience, but you need to do more than just open your doors to ensure a successful launch. Checking to make sure your site has a strong purpose, that you offer value to your members and the emotional pitch is right will set you on the right course. 2020年9月1日星期二09:38:04+0000 社区是您的竞争优势 //www.kcjns.com/news/community-management/community-is-your-competitive-advantage-r1211/ 几个世纪以来,护城河一直被用作保护建筑物免受潜在攻击的一种方式。城堡周围被水淹没的沟渠是一个很好的办法,可以让人很难把它带走。你不能把撞锤推到墙上,也不能在城堡下面挖东西。坦率地说,护城河是一个相当不错的威慑力量,因为这里有很多其他城堡可供掠夺。这对您的业务意味着什么?社区可以是经济护城河,或者更简单地说,是您的竞争优势。当您的产品或服务被一个对您的品牌感兴趣的社区所包围时,您将能够抵御竞争对手试图吸引您的客户的挑战。人类是社会性的生物,我们喜欢寻找并加入一个符合我们价值观的部落。归属感的无形价值为你的品牌创造了一种动力感,并有助于向他人宣传。统计数据支持这一战略;88%的社区专业人士在最近的一项调查中表示,社区对他们公司的使命至关重要,85%的人表示社区对他们的业务产生了积极影响。[1]你的竞争优势为你的产品创造动力最便宜的方法之一是围绕你的初创企业建立一个社区。社区不仅仅是一次性的营销活动,如果你花时间正确发展社区,它可以帮助你度过公司的整个生命周期。[2] 围绕一个产品制造轰动可能需要很多时间、精力和金钱。传统上,这种轰动将通过视频、网站、影响者评论和跨多个渠道(包括社交媒体)的大量广告支出的混合创造。您的社区可以创建一条捷径,无需花费这些成本就能接触到受众,并增加产品被虚拟共享的机会。您的社区在共同利益上建立了纽带,不断强化对您品牌的忠诚度。这创造了一种个人投资,这使得您的客户不太可能尝试竞争对手。简言之,如果一家公司能够从仅仅运送一种产品转向建立一个社区,那么它就可以从几个竞争优势中获益,例如:积极参与的成员帮助获得新成员,降低获得客户的成本。通过社区忠诚度提高客户保留率。会员们不会想放弃他们喜欢的社区。由于成员相互支持,降低了支持成本。这一好处形成了一个循环,随着社区的发展产生了更多的价值。品牌建设社会营销的另一个机会领域是“品牌建设”——将热情的在线品牌倡导者与公司的产品开发周期联系起来。在这里,研究变成了营销;产品开发人员现在使用社交论坛来发现他们修改产品或服务中的报价、价格或功能后的反应。这样的品牌管理社区可以取得真正的成功。戴尔的社区讨论和“头脑风暴”网站IdeaStorm就是一个有充分证据证明的例子。该网站在推出后,通过提供一个论坛进行有意义的对话,并“评估哪些想法最重要、与公众最相关”,销售额显著增加。[3] 通过围绕您的产品或服务创建一个社区,您不仅可以创建品牌倡导者,还可以通过推动市场营销的研究,获得对客户需求的深刻见解。如今的消费者渴望与品牌建立更牢固的联系。仅仅给他们一个客户支持电子邮件地址和一份每月通讯已经不够了。他们希望与公司和产品或服务的其他用户进行更深入的互动。成功的一个策略是,品牌从硬销售转向接受“共同创造”的概念。这意味着要超越“老派”的网站广告方式,接受关系营销的原则——建立虚拟环境,让客户能够相互联系,分享见解和相关信息。为了利用当前可用的机会,营销人员需要找到或建立真正的品牌社区,倾听他们的意见,然后创建特殊的计划和工具,以增强潜在和现有社区成员的能力,奖励现有消费者并促使潜在消费者改变行为。[3] Evernote是一个很好的例子。他们活跃的社区鼓励客户直接与员工互动,发布他们未来版本的愿望清单,并了解更多幕后发生的事情。该社区为Evernote创建了传道者,使竞争对手更难通过强大的对话、与其他客户的接触、品牌的透明度以及许多共同创建内容的机会来站稳脚跟。共同创造从根本上挑战了企业和消费者的传统角色。这种紧张表现在消费者和公司之间的互动点上,即共同创造体验发生的地方万博最佳平台ere individuals exercise choice, and where value is co-created. Points of interaction provide opportunities for collaboration and negotiation, explicit or implicit, between the consumer and the company. In the emergent economy, competition will center on personalized co-creation experiences, resulting in value that is truly unique to each individual. [4] In simple terms, a community allows your customers to feel closer to your brand and the products you sell. What are you waiting for? Nearly 80% of founders reported building a community of users as important to their business, with 28% describing their moat as critical to their success.[1] Our team at Invision Community has over two decades of community building experience and are trusted by brands of all sizes. Whether you have an existing community, or you're taking your first steps to create your own, our experience and expertise will guide your success. [1] https://cmxhub.com/community-industry-trends-report-2020 [2] https://viral-loops.com/blog/your-company-needs-a-pre-launch-campaign/ [3] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268200746_Social_media_and_its_implications_for_viral_marketing#read [4] https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jhm/Readings/Co-creating unique value with customers.pdf 2020年8月14日星期五15:54:02+0000 现在试用In狗万最低限额vision社区4.5 //www.kcjns.com/news/company/trial-invision-community-45-now-r1210/ 如果你准备升级到Invision社区4.5,现在有一个简单的方法来测狗万最低限额试它。我们已经更新了我们的Invision社区狗万最低限额演示系统,使用Invision社区4.5!这是一个快速和简单的方法,以4.5测试驱动和测试所有的新功能,然后再进行升级计划。拿出一个演示非常简单,只需前往我们的演示注册页面,按照说明,在几分钟内,您将收到自己的私人演示登录。我们很想知道你的想法!请在反馈论坛告诉我们。 周四,06 Aug 2020 13:53:09 +0000 内容创造者可以从阴谋论中学到的3个教训 //www.kcjns.com/news/matts-blog/3-lessons-content-creators-can-learn-from-conspiracy-theories-r1209/ 阴谋论起源于19世纪,流行了几十年。直到最近,阴谋论者一直生活在边缘地带。他们经常确信地球是平的,李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德不是独自行动的,登月是在好莱坞的一个有声舞台上伪造的。最近,随着9/11和冠状病毒大流行,这些阴谋论变得更加主流,名人和政客通过官方社交媒体渠道分享这些阴谋论。从比尔·盖茨的邪恶阴谋、卡农的崛起,到5G是冠状病毒传播的罪魁祸首,人们很难忽视它们在制造错误信息方面的影响,这些错误信息破坏了政府和公共卫生机构的有效沟通。尽管有大量的事实、逻辑和批判性思维,那些遵循阴谋论的人不会改变立场。他们暗中相信自己的消息来源,而大量的研究反驳了这一论点,他们对此并不感兴趣。屈服于这些叙述的人数每天都在增加。当您使用这些错误信息的主要来源共享的内容时,很容易看出原因。阴谋论是以一种吸引人、不可抗拒的方式创造和分享的,许多人在混乱的世界中寻求稳定。无论你对这些阴谋论者持何种立场,你都可以利用这些策略使自己的内容更具吸引力和可共享性。第1课:情绪化人类的大脑中有两个截然不同的独立思考中心。一个研究情绪(边缘系统),另一个研究逻辑(大脑皮层)。情绪大脑的工作速度比逻辑大脑快得多。正是它使我们作为一个物种得以生存。如果你听到一声巨响,你的情绪大脑会首先处理它,并在你的逻辑大脑开始工作之前触发移动的冲动,并推断出巨响来自你的猫熟练地从书架上抓下的一本书。情绪化的大脑在不断地处理这个世界,即使它是你的一部分,你也无法控制它。然而,你的逻辑大脑是以事实、真理和分析为基础的。当你在一段阴谋论视频中看到令人痛心的告密者证词讲述他们的痛苦时,你的情感大脑被强烈地震动了。这就是为什么挑战阴谋论者的原因,他们在情感上致力于用公正的逻辑观点,但往往失败。情感承诺是难以置信的强大,当你挑战它们时,逻辑大脑短路,情感大脑变得防御。事实上,你提供的逻辑和证据越多,情绪化的大脑就越深入并拒绝新的证据。你如何利用这个优势?努力用你的内容创造一种情感反应。不要单纯依靠事实和逻辑来说服听众。尝试通过意象、隐喻和明喻唤起情感反应。奥巴马总统是一位强有力的演说家,经常用情感来传达强烈的信息。当他谈到投资教育时,他感慨地说:“我们相信,当她第一次上学时,学校应该在老鼠数量不会超过电脑的地方。”第二课:讲故事阴谋论视频不仅仅是罗列一系列事件和事实,它们还讲述了一个故事。一些更为复杂的理论类似于一部由多个角色组成的电视连续剧,这些角色因环境而相互关联。人类一直是故事的策展人。从宗教文本到道德寓言,我们通过故事学习和处理世界。故事令人难忘。大多数成年人都能背诵儿时读给我们听的童话故事。使用故事将内容中的关键点联系起来。考虑到“游戏化已经被证明是为了让社区更加黏稠,鼓励更多的参与”。“当时是凌晨3点,电视机的闪烁是房间里唯一的灯光。我的手掌汗流浃背,努力让控制器的控制杆保持运动。即使我早上6点启动,我也无法放下控制器。我必须完成任务并领取奖励。你的社区也不例外。“带着你的读者踏上征途,他们更有可能完成你的内容。试着把它个人化。当我们阅读时,我们总是试着设身处地地为作者或主角着想。故事和情感是相辅相成的。最近,《赫芬顿邮报》刊登了一篇标题为“一分钟一死”的故事“与7月29日1461名美国人死于新冠肺炎这一原始事实相比,这是一个非常感性和有力的替代方案。第3课:轻松使用任何内容创建者的一个关键优势是知道何时创建长格式内容和可压缩内容。一个meme比300个PubMed链接更有效。一个YouTube视频可能比她所在领域的专家更有说服力。阴谋论的创造者利用过度简化将复杂的问题简化为简单的问题万博最佳平台digestible entertaining snack. A meme generally contains a single idea that is easy to grasp and engaging. You don't have to work very hard to understand it, your visual brain processes it in 1/10th of a second, and it triggers a moment of delight. Infographics and memes are often smart ways to create an entrance to your content. If an image containing a straightforward idea from a more complex piece of content is digested quickly, it can leave your audience wanting more, and therefore more likely to involve themselves in your more complex work. When creating long-form content, consider the use of iconography, infographics and photography. Visuals help us remember and understand content quickly. I could say that 63% of this blog was written on an iPad, but a piechart would make this easier to process and more memorable. No tin foil hats required Creating compelling content is key to building your community. Your content sets the tone, helps drive re-engagement and positions you as a key expert in your field. Using the techniques many conspiracy theory creators use to spread their narratives will help your content be more memorable and shareable A well-created story with emotional cornerstones made more accessible by key points simplified into snackable quotes or images will help your content find a wider audience, whether you believe Neil Armstrong landed on the moon or not. Thu, 30 july 2020 12:14:03 +0000