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  • 生日11/01/1988


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  1. 啊好吧。基本上,你删除了市场商店前面和嵌入到套件安装,但功能手册安装如果人们选择他们自己的资源或从那些他们自己的个人网站上提供的资源,而不是市场(几乎没有人做这些天,主题像ehren除外)
  2. @Stuart Silvester我已经落后了一段时间了,所以我相信这个问题已经在其他地方得到了回答,但是是否还有手动安装的选项呢?或者所有的东西都将被存储在“云”中?
  3. 也检查过了。完全没有错误。它所做的只是将页面重新加载到单击的链接。
  4. 遗憾的是,这是成人内容,我不能在这里链接它。让我给你们看它的代码,我知道它没有抓取新窗口。但这里让我给你一个片段。For desktop:
  5. Local Dating
  6. 它缺少目标="_blank"
  7. Local Dating
  8. 如果它没有被执行,我们也不会感到惊讶,因为它不是首先在手机平台上设计的,而且当时在手机平台上的许多内容都是有缺陷的。
  • 嘿,伙计们,我有一个老网站,我们添加了一个菜单项,设置为“在新窗口中打开”,在桌面浏览器上工作得很好,但在手机上,它不能打开一个新的窗口/标签。在默认主题上也是这样,所以是IPS主题。我可以去手动修复它,但我想检查是否有一些选项,我不记得4.2或这是正常的…谢谢!
  • 用很少的编码来实际调整字段和或记录视图呢?例如,我想为“事件”创建一个快速自定义表单。下面是显示字段的记录中的默认视图。为了让它看起来像一个合适的表单,我需要编辑整个记录模板让它看起来像一个合适的表单。我的建议从我对IP相当了解的第一天起就一直有效。内容是,IPS应该提供一些开箱即用的模板。目前,对于90%的用户来说,这是一项繁重的工作,需要太多的编码知识才能使用。是的,我可以通过IP创造一些真正的定制内容。页面,但老实说,这取决于我需要创造什么。创建一个实际的应用程序可能需要多做一些工作,但在这个过程中会更合理一些。
  • 看起来不错。一个免费的主题很好的工作!比Shopz推出的任何设计都要好,他的设计大多是“付费”主题,并且大部分可以通过内联主题编辑器按钮来实现。
  • 我喜欢这个主意。在我们的例子中,我们有两大群组,它们拥有大量的细粒度控制。我们可以将关注功能转换为付费/vip专用功能,而不是只对某一特定群体有用的全网站功能。
  • 所有这些都可以通过自定义字段完成。列出的只是现成的例子。不一致配置文件可以只是一个带有图标和信息的自定义字段。
  • 如果我有我的选择,我们也可以线下讨论。我喜欢将话语作为一种全面的选择。有哪些功能从桌面查看器中删除而不能添加回来?Node是一种开箱即用的东西,在设计上很强大,但在特性集上很基本。它的经济性是开发人员友好的,并且在其他应用程序中运行得很好,这些应用程序首先使用移动设备,同时保持占用空间小。这里有几个我的0.02摄氏度IPS是一个伟大的“论坛”,但仅此而已。其他加在上面的是樱桃。我对论坛方面没有抱怨,它的社区功能的成员控制/配置文件等。再说一遍,你拥有的大多数“论坛”功能都存在于Vanilla, PHPBB, Discourse, Nodebb, flarum等等。不同之处在于,当你开始为整个“社区”套件添加其他应用程序时。 IPS has one, but in my opinion, it’s lackluster. 4.x Pages is just about the same in content development as 3.x - I used to be a huge pages guru developing some really cool stuff with it and it had many perks with the fact that you could build things out of it while being contained in your ecosystem. However, support was lackluster, they didn’t have really any documentation about it or anything else. IPS 4.x does have better documentation, but not by much for pages specifically. You have @opentype and another user who have released pages specific content on the marketplace and that’s about it who are publishing things. I would too, but the investment of time etc isn’t worth it for what I can get back out of it hence why I personally ‘lump’ it into niche market. I hate wordpress, but the simple fact that it’s easy to find themes, plugins and developers while still being supported as a way to extend your site is hard to pass up from a user perspective. Now there are CMS’s coming online that are geared towards node or other frameworks that are super fast, light weight, easily extendable, API driven and some forum platforms offer integrations right outside the box. IPS is trying to maintain a self contained ecosystem which isn’t necessrily bad in a sense for niche markets. But statistically, it isn’t what makes sense for most people. If you bought or use this software. You were either already invested into it from years ago (like in my case) or there is just something about the software that you really need and are willing to sacrifice in other areas to have it. Hence why it’s hard to recommend to ‘most’ people. IPS reminds me of one of those all-in-one TV’s that have the TV, VCR, DVD player built in. But usually it’s best to just buy your 3 different components and save face. Lol
  • 是的,这是我喜欢Node的原因,也是我在很多情况下对客户喜欢nodebb的原因。它肯定没有IPS所拥有的所有功能,但它更容易构建节点中所缺少的功能,如果你需要,也更容易找到开发者。它“基本上”是作为一款手机设计的,比IPS更支持移动设备,因为这款软件是为手机或多或少设计的,而且规模扩大了。它的开箱即用速度也快得多。不过,就像我们选择的其他东西一样……有利有弊。
  • 你可以继续问我,好像我不知道什么是移动优先方式。这里:https://www.uxpin.com/studio/blog/a-hands-on-guide-to-mobile-first-design/阅读。一遍又一遍。无论是移动主题网站还是响应式网站,这种方法都不重要——它只是简单地设计你的网站,在扩大规模的同时研究如何显示内容等。而不是反过来。这与你如何得到它无关。IPS在UI/UX设计中采用了优雅的退化方法。我再也受不了你了,我在这里只阻挡过一个人。现在你犯了第二个错误——在我们进行了这么长时间的谈话之后,你严重缺乏误解。我不得不说,我现在意识到你一直在戏弄我,你的论点几乎没有有效性,显然从UI/UX的角度来看,你完全不知道你在专业层面上谈论的是什么。 Perhaps one day you can become a UI/UX designer that I'll look up to, but at this point in time. I've determined you've got a LOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go before that day comes. Good luck to you and I wish the best of luck to all the future designers you come into contact with.. May their local drug stores always have coupons available for some migraine medicine and I hope the people you typically interact with on the daily always have a good supply of ear plugs. Annnnd block
  • 是的。完全正确。现在你把这两个突出的要点,让我们关注第二个。这个问题:你会如何进行响应式设计?IPS是响应式的,任何采用了“响应式”设计的现代网站都可以做到这一点。现在的问题是。你是根据功能集的最小公分母来设计UI/UX,还是在此过程中逐步删除功能?还是你找到了一个平衡点?在2014年左右,当IPS 4发布并发布响应框架时,它专注于桌面类浏览,然后你的屏幕变得更小,更多的功能被删除,但它是响应的。在2014年的时候,“移动优先”的思想并没有被广泛采纳,相反,仅仅引入一个响应式网站就帮助了许多网站,因为它们不再需要支持移动主题。 IPS knows what this is - it is called "graceful degredation" or this incorporates all of the complexities right from the start, then strips them away later for smaller devices. The problem with graceful degradation is that when you build the all-inclusive design right from the start, the core and supplementary elements merge and become harder to distinguish and separate. The entire philosophy runs the risk of treating mobile design as more of an afterthought since you’re “cutting down” the experience. My debate is, it's been like that for over 5 years now with little, if any changes made to the responsiveness to battle the ever increasing use in mobile website consumption. It's been stated here and proven here that by each year, more people are using mobile devices (Phones, tablets and phablets) yet this specific software has not kept up with the times in my opinion. Agree or disagree, that's fine. I'm simply pointing it out. Yes - this is true. Mobile themes are separate entities, hence why when you look at statistics, an all in one that 'supports' touch are still lumped with desktops because it is rendered via the OS. A windows 10 2-in tablet is considered a desktop browser even if it's smaller than an iPad Which reinforces what I was saying earlier. I understand that it is hard for IPS to keep up with a mobile theme because it itself is an entirely different theme. They are just the options that you use. I'm perfectly fine with a responsive design. However, I cannot agree with a desktop UI/UX catering and then just removal of features as you scale to the users viewport on smaller screen/resolution devices. There MUST be a balance, but even small improvements to the UI that I've pointed out here will greatly help users on these smaller mobile devices have a better browsing experience, yet there aren't any removal of features, aren't any extra added bloat to the software, no added additional support and so on. Dedicated mobile themes really just come down to the company willilng to work with it. A smaller company, no? I wouldn't want a mobile theme. I wouldn't want IPS to have a mobile theme. Amazon, bigger store fronts etc have them without content loss because they have the ability to support it.
  • 那是因为你在编辑,否则我不想回去找。你提到了"关于我在这里的过去"和"鉴于你在这里的过去"之类的。听着,我受够了,没有必要和你争论。你不值得我浪费时间。
  • 克里斯,请随时PM我,我会和你讨论竞争的想法。因为这实际上取决于你的社区是为什么而准备的,以及你想做什么。在很多情况下,我会根据需要推荐IP。正如我所说,并不是我不喜欢IPS,而是当有人来找我,要求为他万博最佳平台们的用户提供更具移动特色的产品,并希望扩展其功能时。在很多情况下很难做到这一点。
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