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    1. 今年早些时候,Invision Com狗万最低限额munity推出了一个称为成就的本地游戏系统。我们在新版本中取得了重大改进,4.6.8立即出现!成就允许社区领导人奖励成员,徽章和税收的杰出贡献。我们听取了您的反馈并实施了一些非常激动人心的变化。在此帖子中,您将在将社区更新至4.6.8时,在管理控制面板(ACP)中包含的新更新中获取崩溃课程。万博最佳平台一旦您熟悉这些概念,您就可以采取行动提升您的社区。万博最佳平台新!已婚小组促销成就。新!添加了指标,以更好地了解社区内的成就。万博最佳平台 New! Implemented additional rules to further empower your members. New! Updated email notifications to let your members know when they've earned a badge. New! Download member lists based on Achievements criteria. Before we expand on the new features, here's a recap of Achievements to refresh your memory: Related: Want to know more about Achievements? Read our original blog post. Now that you’re up to speed, let’s take a look at the new metrics and rules. Group promotions Group promotions lay out various user journeys. Based on actions a member takes in a community, for example commenting 100 times, having a high reputation score or having joined a community a year ago, the platform will automatically place them in a group (based on the rules you previously set up). This is useful when creating a hierarchy in your community. The more your members are engaged, the more access / privileges they receive. Now, community leaders can automatically place members in specific groups based on what badges they've earned in the community. Couple examples: A moderator manually awards a member the 'Helpful Superstar' badge. In this scenario, that badge can only be earned if a moderator chooses to give it. Once someone earns that badge, they're automatically placed in the 'Helpful Superstars' group. This group may have the ability to create clubs (whereas the other groups can't). A member earns the 'Engaged' badge. 'Engaged' badges are earned when a member has replied 100 times since joining. Once they've posted 100 replies, the system automatically places them in a new group with other contributing members. Related: Learn more about Group Promotions Metrics Metrics reports are essential for understanding what's working in your community, and what needs improving. Badges Earned: Track what badges were earned during a defined period of time. This is especially useful to track both member engagement as well as identify how often your community moderators are awarding badges manually. Badges earned by member group: How many members in each group earned a badge. Track this when quantifying what groups are most engaged with your community. Understanding which group(s) earn the most badges helps you better tend to groups that might be less engaged. It might be a good idea to show them some extra attention. Badges by member: Search a time-based list of all members with an earned badge total. Easily discover who your VIP members are and reward / thank them for being active contributors. Related: Maximize community growth with our new reporting metrics Rules Set up rules based on various criteria. These rules will automatically take a specific action once the criteria has been met. Member downloads a file: Members may earn a badge for downloading a specific file. This could be useful if your company wanted to share new policies or an announcement; track which members took the time to download the information and publicly recognize them for staying on top of things. Member purchases a package or product: Members may also earn a badge for purchasing either a package or a specific product. For example, you could create a rule for members to earn a coveted product badge for opting to purchase a physical product (like a t-shirt). Only members who've purchased an item from your community would receive this type of recognition. Outreach Jump into your members' inboxes with tailor-made good news. New Email notifications: New notification emails let your members know when they've received a coveted rank. Segment Download a list of members based on a number of Achievements criteria, including points, ranks and badges. In theory, you can upload this list of members elsewhere to target this specific audience (like sending an exclusive email drip campaign in Mail Chimp). Several examples include downloading a list of members who've: Earned 500 or more points Earned a specific badge Reached a specific rank Achievements is a robust feature to engage your VIP members and spark the fuse of inspiration for newcomers. There’s a lot of power at your fingertips. Unsure where to start with implementing Achievements? Check out our original post and determine what behaviors you want to reward within your community. Sometimes just logging in is a good place to start. Reward them for that. Ready to take Achievements to the next level? Check out the new Group Promotions and Achievements Metrics now available in 4.6.8. Where are you in your journey with Achievements? Drop us a line in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!
    2. 收集信息,然后理解如何利用这些信息,对可持续发展至关重要。Invision社区平台提供的报告工具可以帮助您更好地了解社区的内狗万最低限额部工作,并决定当前设置是将您引向底线还是偏离底线。万博最佳平台我们认识到知识就是力量,所以我们扩展了报告指标的广泛列表。狗万最低限额Invision社区的最新版本4.6.8在管理控制面板(ACP)中包含了额外的报告工具,以增强社区领导人的能力。现在,社区领导不仅可以查看注册人数、话题创建、设备使用和其他参与指标,还可以查看关注者统计数据、顶级推荐人、成员偏好等报告。在这篇文章中,我们将重点介绍4.6.8中我们最喜欢的几个参数。新!更好地理解版主行为的指标:警告次数#:跟踪版主在规定的时间段内发出了多少警告。#暂停用户:跟踪有多少成员主持人暂停在规定的时间内。在规定的时间内提交的报告数量。 Moderator actions include any action a moderator takes in the community, for example hiding/closing/deleting a topic. Understanding how your moderators handle sticky situations builds trust and clarity. However, a moderator’s value shouldn’t depend on the amount of warnings / suspensions given. Ideally, a well functioning community with a clear set of guidelines creates a culture where toxic members (and their posts) are less common. Don’t punish a moderator for taking less restrictive action; reward them because they didn’t have to! Why you should care: because metrics are imperative for goal setting. For example, “we want to reduce the number of warnings given by 50% at the end of the year.” In this scenario, the overarching goal is to foster a better user experience, resulting in less problematic posts (and thus less opportunity for moderators to issue warnings). If X then Y: If moderators issued 50% less warnings, then their time is freed up to spend on other important tasks. Related: 5 quick tips to up your community moderation game New! Metrics to understand whether your spam defense tactics are working: Unlikely to be a spammer Possibly a spammer Likely to be a spammer Known spammer No one likes a spammer. Unlike the junk you receive in your physical or email inbox, Invision Community includes powerful tools to combat spam. Our new spam defense metrics let you know if the systems you put in place are working, or if there's room for improvement. We integrated an intelligent spam defense system directly into the platform, as well as a few additional steps to avoid spam, including an invisible reCAPTCHA and question and answer challenge. Why you should care: because spam hogs resources and clutters a community. The higher the "unlikely to be a spammer" stats are in comparison to "possibly a spammer," "likely to be a spammer" and "known spammer," the better. With the new metrics, you'll know without a shadow of a doubt how frequently spammers are flagged and blocked. If X then Y: If there are 75% less spammers per month, then your community's health has increased. Related: 3 major improvements we made to spam management But wait... there's more! Here are additional metrics included in 4.6.8: Members with the most followers Members following the most people Number of content items deleted RSVPs to calendar events Questions with the most up/down votes over time Member preferences Most-used theme Most-used language Information is one of the most valuable resources for any community leader because it prompts inspired action. The additional reporting metrics included in 4.6.8 will be made available to you in the first half of November. Thoughts on our new reporting tools? Drop us a line in the comments.
    3. 嗨@John_C,你提到可能会搬到我们的东道主。我个人在我自己的社区就这么做了,它改变了游戏规则。如果你还感兴趣的话,我绝对可以帮助你!让我知道你的想法。
    4. I've been eating these "protein" cookies recently. Gotta love good marketing.
    5. 很棒的工作,@Matt ! !期待我们将这个更新发布到野外。搜索引擎优化改进增值
    6. 在管理/引导一个在线社区时,没有万能的解决方案。每个数字世界都有需要克服的一系列障碍。随着社区的发展和注册人数的增加,社区管理员将面临新的挑战。结果,这些任务本质上变得更加复杂,吸走了宝贵的资源,常常把审核员排挤到角落里。拿起画笔,用这些关于如何更好地融入你的社区的支持性建议来说明一个新的场景。万博最佳平台这些支持适度的策略旨在培养更大的团结和团结感,同时也承认个人成员的贡献。清晰简洁的社区指南。这些是建立坚实基础的基石。社区指导更多的是关于以健康的方式表达自己的想法和感受的能力,而不是不同的限制手段。所有的社区都不可避免地会遇到有毒的喷子,但是不要对负面的东西施加能量,要对积极的东西给予赞扬和赞美。 As we mentioned in a previous blog post about community guidance, show your community in the guidelines how you want them to post by contributing that way yourself. That sets a precedent. From there, you'll notice other community members participating in a way that is similar to you (TL;DR lead by example). Curate member content. Curating member content is the secret sauce to accelerated growth when it comes to community building. Featuring your members' posts publicly demonstrates your desire to embrace participating members. It’s one thing to comment on members’ topics, it’s another to feature and promote them for all to see. It gives added depth to your community by amplifying differing opinions, builds trust and encourages others to partake. It’ll take extra effort on your end to manually curate content (be selective regarding what topics you want to represent your community); establishing multiple authorities in your community builds momentum. Remember, people come for the content, but stay for the community. Give them both! Moderate on the offense. Moderating has a bad rap. Generally speaking, most view it as a prohibitive tool. A member posts profanity? Moderate! A topic goes live in the wrong section? Moderate! A spam bot infiltrates the latest blog entry? Moderate, moderate, moderate! That aspect of community building will always exist, but setting up automations will save you time and money. More importantly, it creates an elevated user experience because your attention is spent engaging with your members. We have some powerful tools at your disposal to help, including a designated ‘automatic moderation’ section in your Admin Control Panel. Here, community leaders can set up rules that will trigger automatic content moderation. For example, you could create a rule that automatically hides content when it receives three or more user-submitted reports. If your members collectively agree another member’s post is problematic, and three or more of them report it, the post is hidden from public view until a moderator has a chance to review it. Moderation doesn’t have to be a dirty word. And if it does, we have an automatic moderation tool for that, too. Publicly recognizing members. Members who refuse to follow your community guidelines likely won’t fall in line with a public reprimand. Either privately message them your concerns or issue a warning only the moderation team can see. Instead, focus your attention on recognizing and rewarding contributing members. There’s a number of ways you can energize morale, including responding to members’ positive posts, manually or automatically awarding badges with our Achievements system, highlighting engaged members in a sidebar block, showcasing Leaderboard champs or even interviewing your MVPs. The idea is to approach community guidance with open arms – not a closed fist. Team work makes the dream work. There’s a reason it’s cliché. Organizing then empowering a moderation team is essential. Once on the same page in terms of expectations and processes, a community leader is then faced with the daunting task of relinquishing control as their team gears up to congratulate and moderate. Your moderation team is only one moving part of a well-oiled machine. There are times, especially in the early days of a community where, as the community leader, you’re doing most of the heavy lifting. However, there will come a time when the community supports you in return and shares the weight. It’s important to recognize those instances and publicly acknowledge them! The world has enough doom and gloom; be an inspiration to your community and in return they’ll inspire you. Do you have a community management tip to share? Drop it into the comments. We’d love to hear from you! Header photo: Unsplash
    7. 嘿@素食同志-我知道这整件事有点令人沮丧。当FB禁用我的oEmbed功能时——这是因为你看到的一个类似的问题。我认为有一件事很重要,那就是当用户要求从你的社区中删除他们的账户/数据时,你该怎么做。万博最佳平台我实现了一种方法,让他们请求禁用他们的帐户。你有类似的东西可以链接到facebook吗?
    8. 嘿@Howard L Martinez -我理解你。我认为在尝试新事物的时候总会有一些成长的烦恼。I personally think the forum support has been pretty awesome because our answers are also going to help people in the future who may have a similar issue It's also cool that the community can weigh in, too! You can even make a custom activity stream with your support topics and receive a daily email that includes a roundup of anything you may have missed. We'll look into this for ya ;]
    9. 嘿@霍华德·L·马丁内斯!Hope you are doing well Appreciate you using our support forum for some guidance. Thanks for that screen shot above with those stats. Impressive! Your page impressions per month are around 8M. If you're interested in joining our hosting, please check out our 'Corporate' plan; that may be a great fit for you If you feel more comfortable discussing this privately, I can email you or you can private message me. Let me know either way please! Looking forward to hearing back.
    10. 谢谢你!我以每英里10分钟的速度跑步。虽然不是我最好的成绩,但这次跑步很有趣。还有一些相当大的上坡路段,这是一个有趣的惊喜。
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